Ari Burleigh

Creative Design and Technology 2013-2015
Unit 19 Environmental Heroes

Overview - The scenario
The BBC, in association with the Recycle Now organisation, are looking to develop a cross platform series of games, videos and animated stories to promote and raise the profile of recycling amongst young people (it is up to you to identify an age range).
They are looking for ideas for characters to be used during the development of this project, the only specific requirement for your character is that it is not human but an anthropomorphised animal or object.
They would like to see a full digital documentation of your progress through a comprehensive blog alongside a series of concept drawings and visual representations of the characters you have developed.
These proposed characters should also have a rationale that explains their evidence.

Thursday, 8 January 2015


My original idea was to make the good squirrel grey and the bad squirrel red/brown. However after much research i found out that actually the grey squirrels made the red extinct in most parts of the world therefore i made a bold decision and swapped the characters around so that the specifics would relate to the real world.

The Grey Squirrel is the bad guy, I decided to make him spiky, thin and add some black to the outline to harden his persona. However i soon realized that this was to harsh and scary for my target audience so i added brown to the drawing to give it more of a softer tone to the character and relating the bad to the good. i am going to make him the opposite of the red squirrel by making his waistcoat and eyes red for anger.

The Red squirrel is the good guy, I gave the good squirrel a shades of brown character as it gives off a warm homely feel and is opposite to the grey squirrel who is cold and hard. I also decided to make hims slightly fatter as i felt that this suited the character and enhanced the differences among the two characters. however i also made the red squirrel have a green waistcoat and green eyes to represent recycling and the support that the good squirrel gives to it. 

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